
PD ISO/TR 19733:2019

Nanotechnologies. Matrix of properties and measurement techniques for graphene and related two-dimensional (2D) materials



What is ISO 19733Measurement techniques for graphene and related two-dimensional (2D) materials about?

ISO 19733 is an international standard on nanotechnologies that outlines a matrix of properties and measurement techniques for graphene and related two-dimensional (2D) materials to enable characterization, classification and usability in nanotechnology applications.

ISO 19733 provides a matrix that links key properties of graphene and related two-dimensional (2D) materials to commercially available measurement techniques. The matrix under ISO 19733 includes measurement techniques to characterize the chemical, physical, electrical, optical, thermal, and mechanical properties of graphene and related 2D materials.

Who is ISO/TR 19733 - Measurement techniques for graphene and related 2D materials for?

ISO/TR 19733 on the measurement techniques for graphene and related two-dimensional materials is relevant to -  

  • Graphene and related two-dimensional materials manufacturers
  • Adopters of graphene nanotechnology
  • Dealers and suppliers
  • Testing houses and labs for nanotechnology

Why should you use ISO/TR 19733 – Measurement techniques for graphene and related 2D materials?

Graphene has become one of the most attractive materials in the application research and device industry due to its supreme material properties such as mechanical strength, stiffness, and elasticity, high electrical and thermal conductivity, optical transparency, etc. It has a variety of applications in sectors such as electronics, medicine, coatings, energy storage devices etc.

ISO/TR 19733, provides you with characterization and measurement techniques for particular properties of graphene and related 2D materials that need to be standardized and organized in a form of a matrix for classification, grading and usability.

ISO/TR 19733 guides on the measurement techniques for graphene and related two-dimensional materials, including atomic force microscopy, combustion analysis, electron spin resonance, hall bar measurement, optical microscopy, and more, that covers different techniques, giving you the flexibility and ensuring the accuracy of measurements.

With compliance and obedience of ISO/TR 19733, you can develop and assess graphene and related two-dimensional (2D) materials and enhance the strength, quality and performance of graphene in a variety of applications.

Product Details
Mass spectrometry
ICS Codes
07.120 Nanotechnologies
International relationships
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ISO/TR 19733

978 0 539 00656 8
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