ISO 52903‑2 is the second part of the ISO 52903 multi-series that deals with process equipment in additive manufacturing.
ISO 52903‑2 describes a method for defining requirements and assuring component integrity for plastic parts created using material extrusion-based additive manufacturing processes.
ISO 52903‑2 relates to the process, equipment and operational parameters. Processes include all material extrusion-based additive manufacturing processes. ISO 52903 is intended for use by additive manufacturers and customers procuring such parts.
ISO 52903‑2 on process equipment for additive manufacturing is applicable to:
Additive manufacturing is used to fabricate prototypes, tools and production parts. Additive manufacturing aims to make manufacturing operations more digitally flexible and efficient.
ISO 52903‑2 provides you guidance on necessary aspects of process equipment for additive manufacturing like process specification, materials, fabrication of test specimens, responsibility for quality assurance, tolerances and surface roughness, material processing and qualification that enable you to assess the quality and integrity of plastic components.
EN ISO/ASTM52903-2
ISO/ASTMCD 52903-2