ISO 29463 discusses high-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles in the air.
ISO 29463‑4 is the fourth part of the ISO 29463 multi-series and discusses the scan method. ISO 29463‑4 specifies the test procedure of the “scan method”, considered to be the reference method, for determining the leakage of filter elements.
ISO 29463 (all parts) is derived from EN 1822 (all parts) with extensive changes to meet the requests from non-EU p-members. It contains requirements, fundamental principles of testing, and the marking for high-efficiency particulate air filters with efficiencies from 95 % to 99,999 995 % that can be used for classifying filters in general or for specific use by agreement between users and suppliers.
ISO 29463-4 on high-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles in the air is useful for:
ISO 29463 (all parts) establishes a procedure for the determination of the efficiency of all filters based on a particle counting method using a liquid (or alternatively a solid) test aerosol and allows a standardized classification of these filters in terms of their efficiency, both local and overall efficiency, which covers most requirements of different applications.
ISO 29463‑4 provides the test procedure of the “scan method”, considered to be the reference method, for determining the leakage of filter elements. It is applicable to filters ranging from classes ISO 35 H to ISO 75 U. ISO 29463‑4 also describes the other normative methods, the oil thread leak test, and the photometer leak test, applicable to classes ISO 35 H to ISO 45 H HEPA filters, and the leak test with solid PSL aerosol. ISO 29463‑4 is intended for use in conjunction with ISO 294631, ISO 294632, ISO 294633, and ISO 294635